Curriculum | MS-PathAS

Course Sequencing

Summer Year 1
PAA/PHA 500: Human Gross Anatomy (6 crs)
PAA/PHA 500L: Human Gross Anatomy Laboratory (0 crs)
PAA 501/PHA 501: Medical Physiology (4 crs)
PAA 502: Overview of Pathologists' Assistant Profession (1 cr)
PAA 503: Introduction to Surgical Pathology and Anatomical Techniques (5 crs)
PAA 503L: Introduction to Surgical Pathology and Anatomical Techniques Laboratory (0 crs)
Fall Year 1
PAA 510: General Systemic Human Pathology I (3 crs)
PAA 520: Microanatomy (4 crs)
PAA 520L: Microanatomy Laboratory (0 crs)
PAA 530: Medical Microbiology (4 crs)
PAA 530L: Medical Microbiology Laboratory (0 crs)
PAA 540: Human Embryology (2 crs)
PAA 550: Clinical Correlation I: Applied Anatomic Pathology (5 crs)
PAA 550L: Clinical Correlation I: Applied Anatomic Pathology Laboratory (0 crs)
Spring Year 1
PAA 560: General Systemic Human Pathology II (3 crs)
PAA 570: Histochemistry (3 crs)
PAA 580: Autopsy Pathology (3 crs)
PAA 585: Medical Ethics (2 crs)
PAA 590: Clinical Correlation II: Applied Anatomic Pathology (5 crs)
PAA 590L: Clinical Correlation II: Applied Anatomic Pathology Laboratory (0 crs)
Summer Year 2
PAA 620: Surgical Pathology I—Clinical Internship (8 crs)
PAA 660: Autopsy Pathology I—Clinical Internship (8 crs)
Fall Year 2
PAA 630: Surgical Pathology II—Clinical Internship (8 crs)
PAA 670: Autopsy Pathology II—Clinical Internship (8 crs)
Spring Year 2
PAA 640: Surgical Pathology III—Clinical Internship (8 crs)
PAA 680: Autopsy Pathology III—Clinical Internship (8 crs)
PAA 690: Capstone (2 crs)
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